This is an old picture of Krystal and Alec on Alec's first day @ school.
I first met Krystal when Alec was a baby. Believe me, Alec is the sweetest boy on earth. Krystal has had a hard life but Alec keeps her going. Alec is Krystal's pillar but Krystal is Alec's world.
Krystal is a single mother, no medical insurance and fighting breast cancer. She is presently seeking medical treatment through the Harris County Coverage-Ben Taub but the red tape is slowing the process to a stand still. Time is so crucial for Krystal. Her family and friends are getting together to raise money so she can get the medical treatment she needs asap.
I want to do something for this mother and son and seek your help through this crafters' blog. I know there are many of you who spend your time making such wonderful crafts. I hope you would donate your crafts and we can auction them on Ebay. All proceeds from this auction would go to Krystal and Alec. Please leave a comment or send me an email @ [email protected] with a subject "Krystal & Alec Glass Benefit". Any suggestions from you are also welcome. Many hands make light work.
Listed below is a flyer which gives details on an event organized by Krystal's friends. If you are in the Houston area on August 18, do drop by.